Revised description of the blueberry bud mite, Acalitus vaccinii (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyidae), and a key to all Eriophyoidea on Vaccinium
Blueberry pest, DNA barcode, Eriophyoidea, inorganic fertiliser, identificationAbstract
In 2014 the blueberry bud mite, Acalitus vaccinii (Acari: Trombidformes: Eriophyidae), was detected in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa for the first time causing significant damage to cultivated blueberries. This was the first detection of this pest outside of North America, to which it is native. However, its taxonomic description at that time lacked critical detail and omitted characters and life stages important for easy and accurate identification. Using an integrative taxonomic approach, we combined phase contrast light microscopy with low-temperature SEM and DNA barcoding data to revise the description of A. vaccinii using South African specimens. Additional characters not included in previous descriptions but reported here are the h1 (accessory) setae, leg I & II u’ (mesal) setae, and leg II bv (femoral) setae. Detailed descriptions and measurements of all life stages are included, along with a discussion of morphological variation and biology. Two DNA sequences of common barcode regions (nuclear and mitochondrial) are provided to further aid in identification. In addition, a key to all known species of eriophyoid mites present on Vaccinium is provided.
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